Read the Docs ❤️ Ruby
Photo by Jason D on Unsplash

Photo by Jason D on Unsplash

We are happy to announce that support for Ruby is now available as an option for our pre-defined building tools ( Projects requiring Ruby to build their documentation are officially supported on Read the Docs 🎉

Demo project using Jekyll

As an example of a project using Ruby, see a demo of the default Jekyll blog built and hosted on Read the Docs. The following code is the .readthedocs.yaml configuration file used to build it:

version: 2

  os: ubuntu-22.04
    ruby: "3.3"
    - gem install bundle
    - bundle install
    - jekyll build --destination $READTHEDOCS_OUTPUT/html

As you can see, it's pretty simple to use Read the Docs with Ruby and install dependencies with gem and bundle following the community standard patterns.

More documentation tools supported

With the support for Ruby, a new door is opened for projects requiring documentation tools that weren't supported on Read the Docs before, like Jekyll, Asciidoctor, yard, rdoc, and many others.

Try it out and give us feedback

We encourage you to give Read the Docs a try if you are using any of these documentation tools, and take advantage of the extra features we provide to empower your documentation workflow, like pull request previews and Git-based versioning.

Please let us know how your experience is with any of these Ruby documentation tools, and how we might improve our support.